Bob, a fading middle-aged actor meets Charlotte, an attractive young woman and fellow American, in a Tokyo hotel. Both are severely jet lagged and deeply disillusioned with their normal lives and marriages. For a dreamy few days they hang out together, strike up an unusual relationship, and experience a neon-drenched Tokyo in all its strangeness. Out of this simple story, Sofia Coppola (daughter of the great Francis Ford) creates a dark rom-com that explores alienation and dislocation. Bill Murray and Scarlet Johansson are perfect as the unlikely couple who never quite become lovers. The movie’s many delights include the hilarious TV commercial shoot, a masterclass in cultural misunderstanding. “For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.”
As this is the 20th anniversary of the movie’s UK release, we’ll be opening a bottle of Suntory Whiskey to celebrate. Stay behind in the bar afterwards and you should get a free tipple!
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For added comfort, feel free to bring your own pillow.
Price includes all booking fees & charges.